Monday, March 24, 2014

Another look on motivation.

     Working out has motivated me to live a more healthy lifestyle. Although I still eat sweets and Doritos, I have incorporatred way more fruits and veggies into my diet. I have also been trying to drink more water especially before and after soccer practice. One act of healthiness leads to more, and they all contribute to your success.

Overcoming failure.

          It's time to come clean, about two weeks ago my motivation basically disintegrated. It wasnt until the week before soccer tryouts that I started going hard in the gym again. I would work my abs and legs everyday and occasionally do cardio. I overcame this lack of motivation in many ways. First of all, I knew spring break was about 3 weeks away and I wanted to spend my vacation not having to worry about how I look in a bathing suit. Going with friends also motivated me because you can get eachother hype about working out and eventually looking and feeling amazing. Having alittle competition to push you never hurts either.


Monday, March 3, 2014


Before I started this challenge, I would walk up the stairs at Jackson High and find myself trying to hide the fact that I was getting out of breath by the third floor. Now that I have become more active, simple accomplishments like confidently walking up the stairs are what makes me happy.